Groovy Style (above)
or Rainbow Dots (below)

Mrs.Morgan's Mushrooms Examples (above)
STUDENT EXAMPLES of Rainbow Dot Mushrooms
Melanie Camargo, Kyla’s Leonard, Aubrey Mc, Aron Palacious.
Paislee Hall, Kinslee Harle, Jaidyn Shirt,
Winter Berry, & Carl Adair.
Victoria, Yareli, Emmily,
James, Lucy,
Peyton C., Braylee
4th period-2021
Kyla, Kaylynn,
Maiyah & Chloe
4th period 2021
5th Period 2021
Destinee, Stephanie, Peyton,
Maleighna, Tania, Lyndie,
Carie, Myah & Janette
Ainsley and Josilen 7th grade
Olivia 8th grade
Here are some good illustrations that show perspective of the mushrooms.
This lesson will use Perspective Techniques that we used in the
JellyFish lesson.
You will be concentrating on showing Mushrooms
from High, Eye Level and Low.
After studying the parts of a mushroom, you will be able to show them better in your final drawing.
First you need to Practice.
This is a STUDY, so you will need label your sketch with the
Main FIVE parts.
Danielle V. 7th grade drawing
Ainsley S. 7th grade finished drawing
Here are some examples....
Not challenging enough?... Click below.
Taking it to another CREATIVE PERSPECTIVE
draw with The Looming Morrow
After you have practiced, we will begin drawing it on bigger paper.
1. Draw light til you know it’s right.
Draw 3 mushrooms or more with use of depth & space techniques along with 3 perspectives.
2. Outline with a black permanent marker.
3. Add shading with pencil on one side only.
Have a recognizable light source.
*Blendy stump will help.
4. Add fat dots (nickel size) almost touching with
coloring markers (not permanent). Go all the way to edges.
Fill in entirely.
This lesson is NoT 2 Cool 4 School…
Others schools are following!!
Want a 100?
-3 or more Mushrooms - 45 pts.
-3 Perspectives- 15 pts.
(high, low, eye level)
-Depth and Space -10 pts
(overlapping, value, size, ect).
-Trace with Sharpie, Shade with Pencil- 10 pts.
(1 recognizable light source)
-Use marker water bleed technique -20 pts.
from the link below.
We will be using a marker paint technique for the background...
*For more info about technique
See Here.
Need a Change of Scenery ?
2023 Spring
Madison Mendez, Emily Rodgers,
Envy Medina, & Jasmin Duran
Kaden Hodson
2023- Eduardo, Ayden Burciaga, Wyatt Solonen,
Selena Martinez& Jarezi

Davis Pierce
Try using repeated radiating lines in the background for a funky feel...
Draw shapes or lines in the background, repeat and radiate outward.
Use 3 or more colors.

Grayson D, 2021 starting his funky background.
Click below for more ideas...