Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Monday, April 29, 2024

Project S.N.A.P. UT Tyler

You are about to be a "piece" of something bigger. 
We are going to create small designs that will fit into a larger permenant installation at the 
UT Tyler hospital. 

-Design should be FULL of COLOR. (limit white)
-Paper should be HORIZONTAL
-Follow THEME-
Transforming Healthcare Across East Texas: 
Pathways intersecting at the heart of healthcare. 
Associated Words:
Perseverance, Trust, Healing, 
Excellence, Research, Love, 
Respect, Learning, Kindness, 
Health & Wellness, Community, Giving, 
Belonging, Creativity, Growth, 
Hope, Service, Discovery. 
-Use Markers or Colored pencils
-Name on BACK (not front) in pencil 
-Fill out Artist Statement on Back 
-NO copyright characters or art. 


Mineola HS Artist
Art 2 kids working hard...

Student Examples from Tara Shannon's HS Art class...