Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Moved by Music

I painted this over SPring Break.  
This art teacher DOES NOT leave Art behind on a break. 
I take it everywhere! 
This painting was inspired by not one song, but an ENITRE PLAYLIST!
All my life I have been a music lover. 
Anytime I felt alone, I'd put on my headphones... on my 80's walkman.
It flows in my and out flows ART! 
Yes, it is my battery charger for my creation. I plug into music and out comes art. 
I listen and let the world melt around me. I am focused on it. I get lost. 
Kinda like this girl...

This is my life. I want to share it with you and teach you to make it part of yours too.... 

 Teaching from my home to your Home. 

A message from the classroom. 
Do you miss it here? 
I miss you. 

Hello Boys and Girls, 
It's me, Mrs. Morgan, your art teacher. 
I have learned that in life, we go through many changes. 
Some changes are happy, sad, scary, comfortable, easy, hard, lonely or fun. 
What changes are you going though? How are you feeling?
I have found out that when things are changing in life, 
you will always have stable things that will never change. 
Those things for me have always been my Faith, my Art, my Music and the Great Outdoors. 
These things bring me peace knowing that they will always be there no matter how I feel. 
We can do this together. 

From Here at School...
To Here at Home...

Here's our "New Classroom."
Welcome to my home art studio. 
I'll give you a look around. You'll need to have a place in your home that is comfortable, peaceful, well lit, and filled with inspiration. 

Here's what you need to do first. 
Think about how you feel right now. Find a song that puts that feeling into words.
Can't find a song? Ask your parents. I can help you too. 
You can ask me and hopefully I can find a song I think might be perfect for you. 

Listen to the song. I mean really LISTEN to it. 
What's that one magic verse in there that speaks to you? 
Write it down. Think about the song. 
Grab some paper and write the lyrics on the paper. You can write them fancy or just plain. 
For fancy lettering, don't forget what I've taught you. 
Trace and Erase... click here to review... 

Draw pictures around the lyrics that symbolize what the song or lyrics are about. 


Yuka Torres
Song Illustration

( Words on Left ) : Fuyunohanashi, Given 
( Words on Right, read down words starting from outer most right column ) :
Romanized - Hanareta derake to darekaga ita 
Tada soredake no hanashi
English - Two people who were always together are torn apart, that’s all there is to this story 

Chevelle Smith, "Yellow" 

Bethany Arcand
Song Illustration
"Not Famous"

 Krissie Barker

Lucy Goodson
"Whole New World"

Tristan Wells
"Never too Late"

Jackie Sarmiento 

Tania V.
"Rise Up" Andra Day

Here are some illustrations I have done in the past of some of my favorite songs at that time. 
These songs got me through some happy and sad times.  I will include the link below them in case you want to listen too. 

Hannah Kerr "Radiate"

Sidewalk Prophets "To Live is Christ"

Toby Mac "Steal My Show"

Jamie Grace "Beautiful Day"
(all three illustrations above for one song!)

Jamie Grace, "You Lead"

Jamie Grace, "God Girl"

Sanctus Real, "I'm Forgiven"

J.J. Heller, "Home"

Mercy Me "Bring on the Rain".

Now it's' your turn. 
Listen to your music. 
Go get your paper and pencil and whatever stuff you got. 
Write down your lyrics. Draw you illustration. 
Outline and Color it if you wish. 
Share it with me on Google Classroom or email it to me here at
I may put it online!! 

personal post
from my blog