I decided that after planning our summer family vacation to the Texas HillCountry, that I would make some tags to post in public places we stopped at along the way to and from our destinations.
So, I made some sayings and doodles that were faith inspired.
Maisy (5 year old daughter) even helped make some!
We copied a few and colored them too...
And off we went to the Hill Country.
These are the uncolored designs we made, plus a few unincluded we drew on the way there...
Maisy dabs in the doodling... |
Here are the places we posted the messages...
Ladies room Taco Cabana...
Fredericksburg Bakery men's room...
Wimberly Glassworks..
Fredericksburg Bakery ladies rr...
CypressSpringsCafe ladies/men rr... Texas Monthly best burgers list (or they say) |
3rd post Taco Cabana in Waco...
Ladies room Taco Cabana...
Add caption |
Kate's Place men's room...
Fredericksburg Pizza co...
Fredericksburg pizza...
Kate's Place with best quiche ever post... Wimberly, Texas. |
We had fun doing this... kinda like rebels for Christ's Sake. Hopefully somebody appreciated them or was greatly influenced by one receiving it at just the right time in their lives. YOu never know...
May this idea inspire you to do likewise...