Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Sunday, October 9, 2016


(Created in 1class/ 40 mins)

Getting started:
Use lighter color construction paper
Find a colored marker that is similar but darker than the colored paper...

Use white paper that is the same size. 
Fold in half. 
Bottom half only, fold into four. 
With black marker, Draw a city scape on white paper that stays low on top section. 
HINT: Try not to draw buildings too tall here or they will hide the background scene. 
Cut off white are above cityscape. 
Use dots of glue on bottom fold of paper (#4)
Glue this to the back of cityscape. 
Let dry

Draw a landscape or cityscape taller on this top half of paper. Bottom half will be an Arial view of the ground. You can draw roads or plants. 

Add glue to #3&4 and glue to background colored paper. 

Fold toilet paper roll flat. 
Open. Match up folds and flatten again. 
You will now have 4 folds. 
Snip the folds about an inch down. 
Fold opposing flaps towards each other then other opposing on top. 
Flatten back doe and decorate with marker. 

Fold construction paper in half. Let top be sky and horizon line. This line is where buildings begin and trees grow. 
The bottom half is the ground. 
Put building Gs on paper and prop against wall or table. 
POP-Up city
Alternative for younger artists: 
Cut around city being careful not to cut off tab at bottom. 
Fold tab back & glue to background .