Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
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Friday, September 9, 2016

Supply Board Magnets

This year (my third year of elementary art), I finally realized that not ALL my students could read!
So, when I write steps down on the board with WORDS, not all students (kindergarten mostly) cannot understand the steps. So, I decided to draw the supplies big, color them and cut them out. I laminated them and they put magnets on the back for the white board.

That way I number the steps with the supply next to them for better understanding. 
(see above picture). 

Here we are learnig how to make "Name Tents" to keep on our table. This will help me learn my 700+ studetns' names this year! It will also help me grasp their understanding of concepts on a continual weekly basis. 
Lesson is here...

I also use some of my posters coinciding with the supplies to remind them of proper care or usage.
*"Draw Light Til You Know It's Right" on Step 1 next to pencil. 
get it here free on Teachers Pay Teachers

"SNAP that CAP!"
available on Teachers Pay Teachers too.