Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Falling Emojis

- 12 by 18 construction paper (medium to light color value)
-Smaller construction paper or scraps in a different color than background piece
-white small paper
-black marker
-white crayon or colored pencil
-black crayon or colored pencil
This part could be done with pencil first, or if confident enough black marker can be used first. If pencil first, outline with marker afterwards. 
Beginning in 4 corners, draw 5 curved lines following each other's contour.
Next to & I between the first curved lines, begin drawing more in groups of three or four...
Continue drawing curved lines in open spots getting smaller and closer together with each layer...
Continue until page is filled. 

Use a black crayon on overlapped curves. Use a white colored pencil on the furthest edge of curve. 

May need to first Explain how shadows appear when overlapping occurs. Whatever is underneath gets a shadow. 
Draw three circles on smaller colored paper & three groups of touching circles in 3 various sizes. 
Cut out circles.group by size. 
Glue down smallest circle in the middle area of curves where it visually receds the furthest back. Glue down the largest circle close to edge of paper. Glue down the medium circle in between the 2 circles. 
Glue eyes on circles according to size. Use marker to draw pupils, mouth, and optional arms. 
My first grader did it....

Inspired by Op Art Dinosaurs from


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Construction Paper Trees

Eloise Renouf
Fall Trees

Student Art
2nd grade Mrs. Johnson's class
Santiago, Erin,
Adam, Hayden, 
Reggie, Musa & Ria
2nd grade Mrs. Parker
Debora, Sophia, Lauren,
Stephen, Aydin, Emily & AnnaBlaire
Step by Step
Supplies Needed
2 large pieces of consturction paper
Cut a variety of shapes out of the construction paper. 
I folded the papers and cut multiple out at once. I did not end up using them all, but they were there as possibilities.

Draw a line down the center of the trees with a pencil. This is the main line or trunk.
Draw lines (of any kind, be creative) coming from the trunk.
Make sure if you have multiples of one kind of tree, use the same kind of line as you did before
 (stay consistent with tree types).

Lay out tree tops onto paper
Plan the Taller ones in back and shorter ones in front.
Hard concept- if a tree is on top of another, it will also be lower on the plan.
This can be altered on the next step when drawing the trunks too :)

When gluing down the trees, remind the kids to use
Just a Dot, Not a Lot.
More glue leads to more mess. It really does not hold better, just takes longer to dry.
Put dots of glue around edges of trees.
Glue down in place.
Tired of saying it?
Buy the poster here and never have to again!

Draw trunks of trees coming from the center stem of cutouts...


The Artist Rizzi
The above artwork is from

This overlapping construction paper shapes with Sharpie idea could be done with 5th graders using the idea of James Rizzi too. 
I saw this idea and loved it. Can't wait to try it with kids!

Trees and their Roots

I have been hit over the head with this repeated design lately. 
The image of a leafy tree with the repeated image of the root system below. 
Every time I see it I am fascinated by how the top of the tree's branches is basically a symmetrical image of the roots. 
So, this gave me an idea... 
Teach kids to draw trees and roots by focusing on the "branching off" of the limbs. 
I would begin teaching the branching of technique with this lesson below...
Then roll into the pictures beneath...

1. Fold a large paper into quarters with the center point of the paper being in the bottom right corner...
Draw the trunk thick at the bottom and as you go up the center begin branching off into finer limbs.
2. Outline this with a Sharpie...
3. Open up the paper and fold just in half (instead of quarters) and trace the Shapied lines onto other 3 spots with a pencil on a tracing table or a window.
You should end up having an image like this...
4. The tree at the top of the paper can be the bush. I try to explain first to the students that we look UP to trees. So, we see the inside and underside... kindof like an open umbrella. 
So... I have them draw a "cloud"like line that cuts off some of the tips of the limbs (see in the photo below the pencil tipped limbs that got cut off?). 
Then draw an oval guideline around that keeping the the center bottom line of the tree. 
5. Around this oval guideline, make a larger "cloud" around it. I emphasize that it does not have to be perfect or else it looks too fake. 
6. Draw in lines that go up the trunk and bend with limbs to act as texture for the bark. 
7. Use stippling for the bush, making the inside of the "Umbrella" the place that has more condensed stipples to show the shadow of the bush. SPread the stippples out further on the top of tree.
Final after the bush is added...
8. Go back to the roots and add more branching off...
Optional color-
Horizontal lighter/warmer lines for the root side
Concentric Circles with darker/cooler lines for the sky.
* I was coloring the sky randomly, but when I was done, I wished I would have only used cool colors for the sky. This would POP out the white bush and POP out the roots giving the lesson an entire new dimension.... live and learn :)

Top 2 Bottom Text Lines

Brooke B. 8th grade 2014
Shanna R. 8th grade 2014
Todd W. 8th grade 2014
Indy R. 8th grade 2014
Pablo O. 6th grade 2014

Anjel, 6th grade 2014
I got this idea for the typography lesson from
and the frame idea from Natalie @ Elementary 

I call my version...
Head to toe Text
Begin with drawing horizontal lines (slight diagonal, curvy, or straight) running across page with your pencil. You should draw about 3-5 lines. 
After this, use text (name design, phrase, quote. Poem...) on lines. Make sure each letter's top and bottom both touch the lines and text should be spread as far out as possible stretching the span of line. I had to do this lightly with pencil and much erasing till it fit just right. 
When text is done in pencil, outline in thick black Sharpie marker. 

Use markers, crayons, or colored pencil to color in each area between the letters. Try not to use too much dark colors because it will blend in with black lettering and complicate reading if words. 

Fancy Frames
I measured this farm just specific for my Text Zhead to Yoe picture. I placed the paper I wanted to frame on the larger black construction paper centered and traced with pencil. I drew another box inside that line as a "lip" for the frame. Using a gold Crayola Colored Pencil, I made symmetrical designs all around the paper. 
I then cut the center out. I cut the four corners of the cut out center and glued them in the inner corners of the frame to act as braces to hold the picture in place. 
I then laminated the frame and cut the braces free to put the picture in and behind the frame. This way if I ever do another picture the same size I can change them out. 

Tree Silhouette with Concentric Sky

Lesson inspired by


I was wanting to end the school year with some easy lessons and thought I could teach them to draw trees in a creative way. To me, the hardest part to teach when drawing trees is the branching off
(diverging thickness to thinness of the branches).
This assignment mainly focuses on that part of the tree branching off. 

1. Begin with starting in one corner of the picture making lines that are far apart and gradually get closer together as they go down. Each branch should gradually diverge into another and then into another. Do this until it gets to the edge or goes off the edge of the paper.
FOCUS: main branch is the biggest & thickest one, the last branch is the smallest & thinnest.
where the branch stems from is the thickest part and it will always be smaller than the branch it came from.
2. Sharpie the branches.
3. Using a pencil, find a spot in the corner to begin drawing concentric circles. These circles should have the same center in common. This will be a sort of abstract light source. Encourage students to do this lightly. Go ahead and go through the branches and erase later.
4. Use crayons or colored pencils to use a variety of colors to fill in between the circles. Avoid coloring in the branches. OPTION for teaching color value... You can have students start with lighter colors on the center circle and get darker as they go out. 
5. Use black and grey marker to fill in the tree branches. Try to get kids to color it in following the direction of the branch to appear to be bark like texture...
6. Fill in any paper showing in the tree with grey marker. 
7. Use a white crayon to graze over the side of the limbs 
that are closest to the light source (center circle)



Using Black Paper, white colored pencil, and construction paper crayons.
1. Same as above step 1
2. Same as above step 2
3. Use crayola construction paper crayons to color concentric circles.
I laid them out in value color order, using the 
white on the center, then out to yellow, orange pink, green, blue, and violet. 
(light to dark)
4. I used a black marker and crayon on the branches going the same direction of the growth. 

Same lesson with markers only...
Concentric marker circles on value order
Being the art geek I am, I wondered if my colors really were in the correct value order....
I was off just a bit with the Iguana Green and green. They were darker than I thought. A fun way of checking is taking the colored pic and changing it to black and white.

Still prett even though vale is off ;)

I have not tried this with my students yet, but when I do I will post the pictures.