Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Top 2 Bottom Text Lines

Brooke B. 8th grade 2014
Shanna R. 8th grade 2014
Todd W. 8th grade 2014
Indy R. 8th grade 2014
Pablo O. 6th grade 2014

Anjel, 6th grade 2014
I got this idea for the typography lesson from
and the frame idea from Natalie @ Elementary 

I call my version...
Head to toe Text
Begin with drawing horizontal lines (slight diagonal, curvy, or straight) running across page with your pencil. You should draw about 3-5 lines. 
After this, use text (name design, phrase, quote. Poem...) on lines. Make sure each letter's top and bottom both touch the lines and text should be spread as far out as possible stretching the span of line. I had to do this lightly with pencil and much erasing till it fit just right. 
When text is done in pencil, outline in thick black Sharpie marker. 

Use markers, crayons, or colored pencil to color in each area between the letters. Try not to use too much dark colors because it will blend in with black lettering and complicate reading if words. 

Fancy Frames
I measured this farm just specific for my Text Zhead to Yoe picture. I placed the paper I wanted to frame on the larger black construction paper centered and traced with pencil. I drew another box inside that line as a "lip" for the frame. Using a gold Crayola Colored Pencil, I made symmetrical designs all around the paper. 
I then cut the center out. I cut the four corners of the cut out center and glued them in the inner corners of the frame to act as braces to hold the picture in place. 
I then laminated the frame and cut the braces free to put the picture in and behind the frame. This way if I ever do another picture the same size I can change them out.