Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Monday, April 4, 2016

Marz Jr. Cityscape

Mrs. Hall's 4th grade Cities
Violet, Adriana, Roberto, 
Matthew, London, Kelly & Ashlynn
Marz Jr. 

Above images by artist Marz Jr.

Draw vertical lines of various lengths. 
Add a top. 
Short buildings first. 
Bring sides of back taller building down. 
STOP line if it hits a small building. 
Drawing Windows. 
If roof is slanted, slant Windows. 
If roof is straight, straighten Windows. 
Guidelines across building with pencil pirat may help. 
Black out some Windows to look like lights are out. 
See guidelines?
Once finished with outlining background buildings, use white paper to draw your main front architecture piece and outline.
This could be the same as others in background, a stadium, a theatre, a museum, church, historical building, house... Anything you want! 
Cut the white structure and glue at bottom of page.