Sari's DISCO BALL Fever
Contour LIne- lines that give form to a shape. They follow the shape by bending with the exterior defined lines.
Cross Contour Line- Lines that cross both horizontally and vertically across a shape to make it a form.
Form- 3D Shape. You can use value (shading) on a shape or contour lines to make it appear a form.
Stagger- To shift over in pattern.
Perspective- The angle at which you see things and how it effects the way you see objects/situations.
THERE ARE MULTIPLE WAYS TO START; first you must pick your perspective.
Some perspectives are more advanced than others.
Below is Beginner, Middle, and Advanced perspectives.
Each one you START WITH PENCIL. Trace your circle. Add your crossing lines. 20 or so lines across seems the average amount. More will make the mirror mosaics too small and less will make them too big.
Pencils lines with be covered with HARD CRAYON. We will use the Crayon Resist technique.
CRAYON lines will be covered with WATERCOLOR in a Variety of tines, shades, and tones.
reflect what would be in the environment of the DISCO BALL.
Advanced Art (2,3,&4) of Fall 202