Mrs. Thomas's 4th grade class
Isabella, Maisy & Michelle
Jayden, Israel, Edgar, David,
Stacey, Bryce, Titus, Rachel,
Caden, Melanie, CJ & Kolby
Stacey, Bryce, Titus, Rachel,
Caden, Melanie, CJ & Kolby
Mrs. Ahmed's 4th grade class
Molly, Julia, Evan, Kelton, Shane,
Andrea, Jayson, Joey,Gianna, Kim,
Jaida, Heila, Joshua, Craig & Malik
Mia, Erica & Maci
Designing the hands. A variety of skin tone colored constitution paper can be used for this part. Trace hand with pencil, outline with maker. Begin basic designs with a pencil and move onto marker for more intricate lines and designs to save time.
Using a marker a shade darker than paper around the inside of the hand line will give the hand a shadow look for a more 3-D effect.
Creating an Indian Style Background
It is common to see radial design in symmetry in most Indian designs.
Fold the paper into 4 anywhere on the paper.
Open up paper, put a dot in the center of the fold (on X)
Use a compass to make concentric circles around the dot.
Use the X to help keep your designs even in the circles. Use a pencil first, then move onto marker for the more intricate designs.
Marker for further details...
Optional with border only
and Decorations Inside