Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Red Bird on a Wire...

Tuesday Art
1st & kinder

Birds congregate on wires while migrating...
Draw the wires  and red birds migrating.

My classes are on a Cardinal Unit 
(see here; http://tabithaannthelostsock.blogspot.com/2015/01/cardinal-art.html)
As we arrive back from the break. I am going to have a sub for 3 lower level classes and needed a filler. This is perfect!!! Could be done with red ink and thumb prints too. 

1. Draw 2 vertical plea on each side of paper.

Add three short horizontal poles on each pole. 

3. Fill in with black. 

5. Draw 4-6 swooping horizontal lines going back and forth between poles. 
6. Draw birds. First start with red ovals for the bodies.

Draw in black circles for eyes. 
Draw in black triangles for beaks. 

Make a black filled in circle around eyes. 

Fill in beak and body with red while leaving eyes white. 

Add head and tail feathers with red lines. 

Add legs with black. 
Fill in creative with details desired...