Ok, So, I have been wanting to get a tattoo for a while now. The longer I sit and wait, the less time I will have to enjoy it. I never knew what i would get and didn't want to get anything meaningless or in vain. So, I really want to do it and I am not scared of the pain. So, what's stopping me? There are a number of things stopping me. I just have to decide if they are big enough... here are the positive and negative things...
Ta2 Be
1. I want one.
2. Hubby thinks they are hot.
3. It would be a constant visual reminder of God's Purpose for me here.
4. I would have my own art on me.
5. My design would be a conversation piece for others to ask about. This would give me an opening to share a little bit of my testimony with strangers who might not know Christ.
Not Ta2 Be
1. My Dad would disapprove.
Here's why: We have never had any tattoos in our family of German sailors and naval military men. I would be the first. Lots of pressure. If my German Grandpa was tough enough to sail the sea an whale, he definitely was tough enough to tat. But her refused because of what he saw the Jews go through with being branded in his time. My dad was in the US Navy and on a ship full of tattooed sailors. He was also an officer of the Law. These are too big huge things that prove their strength. But still, they did not get tattoos because of their firm beliefs. My dad does not want me to be branded in a negative way.
2. I would have to wear clothing to cover at work (may get annoying).
3. If I get old and wrinkly, it won't look so cool anymore.
4. Hmmmmmm.... I cannot think of any other negatives.
Looking at these pros and cons it seems I should get one.
I will have to think a little more.
Only time will decide.
I know this is a bad fake job or putting it on, but you get the idea...
(See closer detail below). |
This is the transformed sock in my book. This is where I want to be spiritually... Transformed with new purpose and able to fly closer to my Creator everyday. |
My book. It was a very spiritual experience for me as I wrote and illustrated it. I may have learned more from it than anyone that ever picked it up.It is a big part of my legacy.. |
My Tattoo design for my LostSock.
The pattern on the wings has a slightly hidden message that reads "New Creation" |
Another design idea... only not the ENTIRE thing! I like the idea of a tattoo of a moth, reminding me of how me and my flesh and all that is around me will one day be gone. I feel as though it would help me not get so wrapped up in the external. I know that beauty and the physical is so very temporary. This idea may only get more awesome as i get more old and wrinkly, since that is what it is symbolic of. |