Mrs. Russell's class
Hailey, Maddie, Musa, (Horizontal)
Trent and NoName (Vertical)
Mrs. Polichnai's class
Reggie, Addyson and Brendon
No Name, Alexis,
Carter, Allison & Arturo
Mrs. Matthai's 3rd grade
Malachi, Patrick, Adysen & Sophie G.
Mrs. McMillian's 2nd grade
Alex, Victoria, Paula & Peyton
Mrs. Do's 2nd grade class
Learning about succulets
Draw in plant forms lightly with pencil.

Draw in pot designs using contour lines with pencil lightly.

Outline with permanent black marker.

Color hard with crayons (non-was able)

I add dark colors first on bottom of plant forms...

Then add in lighter greens at top.