Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Legacies and Lessons...

I have really felt the Lord tugging at me to have some quiet time with Him lately. 
It took a while for me to get some alone time with a full time job and 2 silly girls following me around everywhere, it is hard to even go potty alone anymore!
So, I have been carrying around a daily devotional book called, "Jesus is Calling, enjoying Peace in His Presence" by Sarah Young,  :the Action Bible by Sergio Cariello, 

and my pen and paper just waiting for the perfect opportunity that never came. So, I decided to just make a date with Him. I just told my understanding hub that I was going to disappear into the closet one night and to just let me be. 
So, I did. 
He prompted me to write down and record things that He has shown me as true throughout these last years of walking with Him. I remember having times with Christ and learning things in His word that proved as true, but never really writing them down or sharing them with anyone... just keeping them within. 
But, He wanted me to share, and he wants you to as well...
So, here is my challenge...
Here is my Truths I Have Lived...
none of these are quoted from another source (as far as I know...), they are from my reality...

I thought it was fitting to share my Life Resolution in this spot as well. 
I hope I have inspired you to tell others what you have learned in life
through all the bumps, scrapes, and bruises.

My Favorite Christmas Present of 2011
I was on the great search for a great Comic Book Bible and was unsuccessful till this Winter...
Here it is, the Bomb Bible!
I highly recommend to any one of you that is an intensely visual learner as myself.