You can go MonoChromatic...
maybe Add Creative Color...
Maybe Do More than One...
High School
Student Examples
Estrella 10th grade. Jaylee N. 10th grade
Gio 9th grade Sawyer 10th grade
Raylie P. 10th grade and Addyson B. 10th grade
Jorja Young 10th grade. Jaycee Maag 9th grade
Milo 9th grade and Natalie 9th grade
Krissie 11th grade and Thomas 11th grade
and Maisy 11th grade
Javier Sanchez and Grayson 9th grade
Sara 9th grade and Selena 9th grade
Destinee Gandy and Desiree Gandy
Ainsley 10th grade Valerie 9th grade
Josie H. 10th grade. Elsie A. 11th grade
Johnathan 11th grade Yarelli 10th grade
Laney B. 9th grade. Spencer H. 11th grade
Melissa T. 12th grade Davis P. 9th grade
Riley 9th grade
-Fill up Space
Candle must be a FORM
Start with a Cylinder
-Candle must have layered drips to
bottom flowing onto Ground/surface
using directional lines.
Drips need to. have highlights and cast shadows.
-Candle must have VALUE coming from the flame (light source) in BACKGROUND.
Start by using a PENCIL LIGHTLY.
1. Draw the candle in 3D (cylinder as base).
Draw details. Make guidelines for the radiating light around the flame.
Drip go down the sides from rim and outward from candle baseline.
Above: directional guidelines of the down and out contour of drips.
2. Emphasize with a darker color.
3. Use darker color to shade under each drip, inside the rim,
and on the outermost areas of the paper (furthest from the flame)

4. Use lighter colors to add around the rim, close to the flame,
and on the bulbs of the drips.
If there is no table, ti still goes with the contour ...
-straight down middle
-to the left on the left
- to the right on the right.