Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Friday, January 30, 2015

Love in a Box

Mrs. Fortner 2nd grade
Adrian, jasmine, haydin, Brianna.
Mrs. Craig's 3rd grade 
Emrie, Zamora & London

Practice drawing a 3-D box before beginning on this project...  
Here are two step by step instructions I created to help 😃

After you feel comfortable... Draw the box on brown paper. Outline in black crayon or marker. Shade inside of box & under front flAp. 

Cut out and glue down onto colored background paper. Shade a cast shadow under box on surface. 

To add depth andovement to picture, Cut hearts apart and add the top half to perk out from box and bottom half at top of page. This uses hearts as overlapping and vanishing off paper into space. 
Things always look more realistic when you draw your picture beyond the edge. 
This adds to the imagination and gives movement to design. 
Details or messages can be added to make the picture more special. Ideas; FRAGILE, handle with care, or Special Delivery, or my love for you is TOo BIG for a box... 😍😘
Have fun! 

Monday, January 26, 2015


Teacher Example (above) 
Mrs. Kolon's kinder 2016
Lily (below)
Maci, Angie, Kylie, 
Asher, Zaina & Alicia
Mrs. Baylor's kinder 2016
Tobias, Maddy, Braylen, 
Emily, Cairo & kana 
Mrs. Ayer's kinder 2016
Alyssa C., Adam, Aubrey, 
Sophia, Hannah & max. 
Mrs. Penn's kinder 2016
Melik (big), 
Sammi, Ethan, Kyra, 
Chloe, Harmony & Landon 
Mrs. Zarella's kinder 2016
Natalie, Samuel, Bryan, 
Aidan & Miles
Below 2015
Mrs. Ayer's kinder class (below)
Emma, Ash, Kyla & katelyn 

Mrs. Bluhm's 1st grade (below)
Sarah, Kaitlein, Anna Blair & Trevor

Mrs. Mara's 1st grade (below)
Austin, Jake, Jamie, Leo, Addison, Shelby & Joseph (single)

Mrs. Simbles' first grade (below)
Hayden, Lauren & Callie

Mrs. mcGinley's first grade (below)
Pink; Hailey & Allison
Blue: Jocelyn, Trent & Vanshikha

Mrs. Baylor's kinder (below)
Jessalyn, Ashton & Gunnar

Mrs. Kolon's kinder class (above)
Alyssa, Justin k., Kais, Kiras, Caleigh, Luis, hunter, Gabriella
Mrs. Erck's kinder class (above)
Bryan, Chau, Ciara, Torrin,Mia 
Mrs. Smee's 1st grade class(above)
Joshua, Zeke, Melanie, Erin
Mrs. Parker's 1st grade (above)
Ahyan, Alexis, Patrick, Lauren, Ria, Jason
Basic supplies...
Choose a background color for sky (no green, red, black or brown)
Use crayons to decorate sky...
I try to get the students thinking of a place for their bugs to live before they get there. Are they going to live under a mushroom, in a park, in a vegetable garden, flowerbed... Also, let them know that the world looks HUGE to little LadyBugs. So, if they draw something, draw it BIG!!!
I also showed some student pictures of lady bugs on grass blades with water droplets on them. I tried to get my 1st graders to attempt the drops if they were feeling extra creative and up for a challenge.

Use a 1/3 piece of brown or black paper to represent dirt... They can make it bumpy at to if desired. 

Only glue sides and bottom down (you will see why later)...

Cut strips of green grass for bugs to crawl up. You will need 3-5... 

Tuck the grass under the dirt pile. 
Some can be added on top to add variety and depth.

Have fun decorating. Bend blades of grass down to look weighed down by rain or ladybug.

Draw ladybugs (using step by step instructions) onto a separate smaller paper. 
Kindergarten step by step

1st grade step by step 
(adding highlight & shadows)

This could be done with crayons or markers (or combination). 
Have kids do 3-5 ladybugs using 1-5 dots on bugs body (help with symmetry, counting up, even numbers, and double addition).

Cut out ang glue bugs going up the grass. Draw on 6 legs and 2 antennas. 
If there is extra time, students could add texture to grass... 
Below- same thing with a little different details. Just me experimenting 😄

Inspired from Whitney Elementary School's Artonia "ladybugs in grass" kinder art...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Paper Heart

Happy Line Hearts
(All 6 above are teacher examples, 
mrs. Seaton had to much fun! 😍)

Let's begin...

You will need small construction paper, scissors, glue, crayons, pencil. 

You will learn how to make a symmetrical shape by folding paper, pattern, line variety, positive & negative shape. 
FOLD paper in half, horizontal or vertical. TURN fold to left, DRAW a hook on the fold, CUT along hook. OPEN positive shape to reveal heart...
Above; using the positive and negative together on large black background paper. 
Above is an example of a positive blue shaped heart cut out & the negative blue piece left from it. They can both be used... 😃
Here above, I am using the positive blue heart on orange. After gluing the heart to a background paper, use crayons to add in lines, patterns, designs & doodles around and in heart. 
Almost done... 

Below, I placed the blue negative heart on a yellow paper and traced it. I removed the negative to draw designs with crayon again...
When designs on negative heart were done, I glued the blue negative onto the yellow background... 
I then used the crayons to decorate the plié negative heart. 

Alternative cuts using positive with negative... 
Mrs. Bluhm's 1st grade class

Kindergarten-mrs. Sharpton 
1st grade- Mrs. Parker

Mrs. Jamison's 2nd grade

Mrs. Zarella's kinder

Mrs. White's 2nd grade

Mrs. Simbles' 1st grade

Mrs. McGinley's 1st grade